
Novel the Curse (2)

In The Curse, the theme if forgiveness is evident through two characters, the Old Lady and Azreen. The Old Lady tolerated her abusive and alcoholic husband for years. After every beating he would apologise and the Old Lady would forgive him because she loved him deeply. However, one day he went too far and the Old Lady killed him in self-defence. As a result, she was not accepted by the villagers and moved into the jungle where she lived a solitary life. Years later, when Azreen asked h4er how she could forgive her husband, the Old Lady simply replied that she had to move on. By forgiving her husband, she had found peace in her life and she was very contented. Azreen remembered the Old Lady’s advice when she returned to London. When she received Asraf’s letter, she realized that she had found it in her heart to forgive him. Although it is not mentioned in the story, we get the impression that Azreen has also forgiven all those who hurt her, especially her father. That is why she finds peace in London and she feels very much at home there. The novel has taught us that in order to find peace, we must first learn to forgive.

Novel the curse

In the Curse, Azreen displays both positive and negative qualities.On the positive side, Azreen is a good friend to those she likes. She is very loyal to the Old Lady and defends her when Puan Normala accuses of being a murderer. She is also a good friend to Asraf. When she sees that Asraf is about to get into trouble with his employer, she rushes to his defense and takes the blame for him, As a result, she suffers a beating from her father. Azreen is also a good student who excels in school. She also shows strength of character and fights for what she believes in, When the Old Lady dies, she confronts Asraf and physically attacks him.She also will not tolerate nasty comments about her friends and  her mother. As for her negative qualities, Azreen is prone to losing her temper and taking matters into her own hands. She also feels inferior to her sister and resents the attention that is lavished on Madhuri. Hence, she distanced herself from Madhuri, only to regret it when Madhuri suddenly passed away. In conclusion, it is the combination of there qualities positive and negative, that make Azreen endearing to the readers.